Wednesday, 2 March 2011

The Break temptation business

  Organised by the company OutGoing, a famous UK student’s tour operator, the SportsVest (see the previous article untitled "SportsVest, sea, sports, sex and sun") reminds of the really popular and expected Spring break in United States. This meeting of millions students on the hot beaches of Miami, Panama city or Daytona, during the spring holidays and just before the exams period, is the scene of furious parties and drinking games, with uncontrollable students over-excited by the idea of partying, relaxing and chilling for a while.
  Actually, this excitement has gained a lot of foreign countries, and notably European countries like UK, France, or Germany. Spain is often the host of particular events organised by specialized companies, taking advantage of this new tendency. All the trip of the students is planned, and they just have to register on websites. This “spring break industry” is growing quickly and the “break temptation” is declined in several names: spring break, summer break, beach break, etc.
Here are some examples of “break propositions”:
-the french summerbreak and springbreak  in Salou, organised by the company Funbreak in Lyon, France

-the summerbreak in Cornwall, Wales, organised by the company OutGoing, England

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